
 Hello there!

 I'm Eugy, welcome to my blog!

 I have restored this blog to share some card inspiration and Cardmaking tips and tricks! I haven't fully set it up yet, so you can see how it changes often. I would be very grateful if you would share with me some of the mistakes that you will see here!

 I am from Ukraine, but I have been living in Italy for many years. I speak three languages fluently: Ukrainian, Russian and Italian. To my great regret, I do not speak fluent English, so I ask you to forgive me and be patient with the mistakes and typos that you can see in my texts. I know it can be really annoying! But all you will read here will be my personal thoughts and ideas, sometimes written by me, sometimes translated by a Google translator, but it will never be a Copy written by someone else for me.

 You can see that my old posts are written in Russian. I've been thinking about what to do for a long time. In the end, I came to the idea that I should use the SC in the digital space too, and I'm not going to duplicate a lot of different blogs. This is me, this is my life, this is part of my history and I want to keep everything in one place. It seems that blogs were created for this purpose? Keep all things together.

 I don't want to think ahead, but I really hope to be consistent here and not make big pauses. Let this be my goal for 2023!


 I also want to inform you that sometimes I may not respond to comments on posts in this blog. Because this bolg is very old, and despite the fact that I have checked all the settings and everything looks right, sometimes I do not receive email notifications about new comments. Please feel free to contact me on my social media.

Happy crafting!

Sending virtual hugs,



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